by Anton Doerig
Leadership. Safe & Secure. will help you...
- Find your passion in leadership
- Increase safety & security in your organization
- Master self-leadership and -management
- Find the weaknesses that may be holding you back
- Excel through integrating leadership with safety & security
Life is a journey in which you have many unique – sometimes difficult - experiences. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Nothing is certain, not now and not in the future. Through his many experiences both in private and business environments, Anton Doerig is an expert in leadership and security, and in this groundbreaking book he shares his experiences with you.
Leadership. Safe & Secure. deals with self-management in combination with safety & security. The author encourages you, the reader, to reflect on and question your behavior in self-, employee- and company management. He combines this with the challenges of holistic Safety & Security and Emergency & Crisis Management as no one has done before. It is not always easy to be honest with yourself and those around you, but it is essential for a secure and sustainable success. A success that that you deserve, both privately and professionally!
Bringing Leadership Presence & Essence together with Safety & Security – for All Levels of Management!
ISBN 978-3-948615-02-4 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-948615-03-1 (eBook)

About the Author:
Anton Doerig, Security Expert, Advisor, Keynote Speaker & Author, has been successful in management positions of various military, private, and public safety and security areas at regional, national and international levels for more than 20 years. Today, his focus is on coaching executives and advising companies and on giving keynotes on the connection between and the intersection of leadership, management and safety & security - all resulting in an exciting and perfect mixture for a desired change of perspective, far more than just an impulse for personal and entrepreneurial success!
Dr. David Rubens, D.SyRM, CSyP, F.ISRM
Executive Director at The Institute of Strategic Risk Management, UK
“When picking up any reference book, the two usual objectives are either to learn something new that you didn’t know before, or to understand what you already know in a new light. Anton (‘Tony’) Doerig’s book Leadership. Safe and Secure. achieves both. Anton is well-known to global security and risk managers through his activities at professional institutions and his presentations at conferences across the world. Seeing his name on the Speakers’ Panel guarantees that there will be at least one event worth attending, as well as many hours trading stories, swapping experiences and generally sharing a feeling of common ground with someone who really, really knows his stuff.
Leadership. Safe and Secure. is an almost perfect book, full of stories, insights, experiences and lessons that will be applicable to anyone involved in any aspect of security and risk management – or in fact, management in any form. It’s nugget-size sections make it an easy pick up and read book – but less easy to put down. I first picked it up with the intention of looking through it for twenty minutes – and two hours later I was still turning pages. Anton’s voice comes through in every sentence, and if you have not been lucky enough to meet him in person, then reading this book is a worthwhile alternative until you do.”

Marilyn Hollier, CPP, CHPA
Consultant at Security Risk Management Consultants,
Past President of the International Association of Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS), USA
“I really enjoyed reading this book. It is very easy to follow and connects management and leadership theories with the author’s personal experiences and how those experiences helped him develop into an effective leader. He very eloquently describes the differences between a manager and a leader and that both types are needed in organizations. Leadership styles can be different depending on a persons’ personality, but the basic principles stay the same. A very important part of his message is that successful leaders lead with their head and their heart. They provide a healthy/positive work environment for their employees. Good leaders are not afraid to admit their mistakes and learn from them. Anyone who reads this book will find value in the authors words of wisdom, anecdotes and stories. I highly recommend it!”

Dr. Richard Werner,
EMBA General Manager Risk Control RCC Ltd., Europe
President of the Non-Profit-Organisation Private Group PnCG, Switzerland
“Excellent and clear communication motivates employees to achieve ambitious goals. Honesty, commitment and social competence are the cornerstones of successful managers. As an internationally active crisis management and crisis communication specialist, I have experienced this every day for over twenty years. Anton’s book on leadership is a great guide on how to move from academic leadership theories to a successful and practical implementation process. His approach away from theory towards exemplary and visionary leadership is worth reading. The book helps you overcome the narrow-minded thinking in leadership issues. The contents are told in an exciting and realistic way.”

Rosi Milligan-Taweel,
CEO / Owner MANDUSA Kommunikationsmedium (Communications Agency
and Learning Center),
Former Airport Security Executive and Intelligence Officer, Germany
“While editing this book, I realized once more that of all the literature out there, most of it – with a few exceptions – is written by theorists who lack practical experience. This book connects theory with practice and bridges the subject of safety and security to and with all of our lives, be it personal or in business. But it is also much more than that. The author describes the status of safety and security in our lives today and in most companies, making us aware of its necessity. He does this in a very authentic way and shares his personal life experiences to underline his message. A big part of this message is also how we treat each other–no matter what position you hold–and that it is important to be human as well as a leader or manager, boss or co-worker. He says what everyone knows and sees but is just now starting to talk about: that profit may be important but that there has to be a certain balance. As entrepreneurs you have a responsibility for the people who work with and for you, that includes physical and mental well-being.
Very authentic, credible, down-to earth and, yes, in part provoking. Anyone who reads this will take something useful, positive, perhaps even enlightening out of it.”

Ralf Caviezel
Head of Safety and Security at Cantonal Hospital Grisons
Commander Fire Brigade of the City of Domat/Ems, Switzerland
“The author Anton Doerig impressively shows how leadership, management and safety and security should be combined in this book. It offers you the opportunity to expand your own leadership understanding and competencies as well as connecting and complementing them with exemplary and job-related experiences from safety, security, emergency and crisis management.
Strong executives and clear decisions are essential, not only in extraordinary situations and crisis situations, but also in the area of intervention forces such as the police, the paramedics and the fire brigade. Goals have to be defined, clearly communicated and consistently implemented. Strong executives take their responsibilities seriously and are thus distinguished to their employees.
In the past, I have had the privilege of engaging the services of Anton Doerig several times. As an expert advisor, he always knows how to respond to the needs of his clients and support them successfully in upcoming challenges. He impressively demonstrates the high practical relevance. Although his statements are sometimes provocative, theyalso inspire reflection.
This book is a must for anyone committed to an innovative leadership style.”

Christian Oberleiter, MBA
Keynote Speaker, Trainer & Coach,
Former Director Operations at Swarovski, Austria
“Digital change and the ongoing globalization cause a continuously growing complexity in our systems. An increasing amount of processes will be digitalized which leads to a high dependency on computer technology. safety and security, therefore, has to be seen under completely new aspects.
Today, leaders are more than ever required to take care of a feeling of safety, security, and stability for their teams and employees. This means that leaders need to have a deep understanding of human feelings, emotions and behavioral forms. Anton Doerig pays attention to these aspects in detail, which is verified by his great professional experience. This makes this book enjoyable and entertaining to read and gives a feeling of high credibility. Safety and security are still seen unilaterally in so many companies and numerous employees have a feeling of being controlled. The author disproves this aspect and gives a perfect overview about the dimension and possibilities on this topic. Therefore, this book is an extremely valuable piece of literature for any modern leader."

Gertrud Muralt; NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant, Horse-based Training Facilitator and Specialist of a Swiss Federal Agency, Switzerland
“‘True change starts from within,' a saying that many of us know but have a hard time applying. In moments of crisis, the majority of people and corporations stay stuck in chaos, doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Reading this book, you will gain new knowledge on how to achieve different results. The author shares his life and business experience providing various examples and What-To-Do’s. Enjoy, relax and apply.”

Dan Yaross, MSM, CPP, CHPA
Director of Security at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, USA
“The topic of ‘Leadership’ can either be described with a simple definition or rep- resent a highly complex, lengthy development process. However, in my opinion, developing one’s leadership style is a very personal journey in which one travels through several years of work and life experience.
Mr. Doerig’s approach in presenting the topic in an operational manner versus a theoretical leadership model is very effective. The life and work experiences that he shares in the book as practical Examples very effectively drive home the meaning of the material. Additionally, his “Tips” sections further reinforce each section’s theme and take-aways.
The book would be very useful to many different working populations as suggested in the introduction. Regardless, if the reader is a working leader with decades of experience or a young professional just joining the workforce, everyone will be able to gain new or refreshed leadership information.
Well done, Anton!”